If you've done a Savage Race, then you have seen this rope grip obstacle, known as "Twirly Bird". But I think it looks more like a beard, and since I am a bearded guy, my version of it will be called "Twirly Beard". Ropes are attached to a stainless steel ring, and have a weight bearing capacity of over 500lbs, with marine-grade heat shrink at the ends of each rope to prevent fraying. If you're training for a Savage Race, then you're going to want to get very comfortable with this OCR grip as I have seen these used at several different OCR rigs throughout the course.
Watch HERE for a demo.
Includes the hanging strap, so it is ready to hang right from the box.
The best
I have 2 of the twirly beard attachments and they are the best way to train grip
I was so glad to find this rig attachment after struggling with Battering Bird at my last Savage Race. I’m excited to beat it next time after practicing more on these! Very similar to the real thing & great quality / easy to get hooked up to monkey bars. Thank you!
love to hate it!
as much as I hate this grip it is a necessity on race day especially for all of you savages out there trying to complete battering bird/twirly bird! Love this grip. Mimics the race day obstacle perfectly. As always, amazing quality, fast shipping and very sore hands!